Rebellion Energy Solutions today commented on the significance of the American Carbon Registry’s (ACR) newly published methodology for quantifying and validating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions from plugging orphan oil and gas wells.
Carbon Economist: Harnessing the VCM to retire orphaned oil and gas wells Rebellion Energy Solutions is featured in a May 19, 2023, Carbon Economist about the release of the American Carbon Registry’s methodology for creating carbon offset credits from plugging orphaned oil and gas wells. An excerpt: “ACR’s methodology marks
The Oklahoman: There are about 16,000 documented orphaned wells in Oklahoma — and a solution The Oklahoman featured a guest column authored by Rebel CEO Staci Taruscio where she shared her expert insight on how states like Oklahoma can leverage the existing orphan well dilemma and turn it into a
Rebellion Energy Solutions is a woman-led business with a multi-talented team of experts committed to creating sustainable solutions through oilfield cleanup and environmental justice in a comprehensive effort to restore the land, reduce harmful carbon emissions, and create taxable revenue streams for communities.
Rebellion Energy Solutions is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Bringing energy, environment, and markets together to drive responsible completion of the oil and gas well lifecycle.
We are rebellious individuals, authentic communicators, unlimited collaborators, and creative thinkers. This is how we reach genuine solutions.
Include social and environmental value in the energy equation.
We hold all of our partnerships to the highest esteem and are grateful for the opportunity to work alongside a robust coalition of partners that make carrying out effective solutions to the complex legacy well challenge achievable.