Our Carbon Credits

Our Projects

The Heartland Methane Abatement and Land Restoration Project 1 – Packard & Kottke Ranch

Six orphaned oil and gas wells were plugged in Washington County, Ok. Each of the six wells were officially documented as orphaned wells with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The wells had not sold hydrocarbons for many years and were leaking methane to the atmosphere. The wells posed health and well-being risks to the landowners and threatened proximal natural resources. As of May 2023, there were over 17,000 documented orphaned wells in Oklahoma. Over the past decade, the Oklahoma State Funds Plugging Program has plugged an average of ~140 orphaned wells per year. At this rate, even with additional federal funds, state-allocated resources are not available to plug growing inventory in any reasonable timeframe. Rebellion Energy Solutions, the project developer, quantified the leaking methane, took responsibility for the wells for the purpose of proper plugging and remediation, and confirmed total methane abatement post-plugging. The project is mapped to several UN SDGs.

ACR Registered Project ACR890

Crediting Period: 20 Years
Independently Validated and Verified

BeZero Carbon Independent Rating A (top 6% of all rated projects)

The project activity is the plugging of sixteen orphan wells in Blaine, Canadian, Kingfisher, Nowata and Washington Counties, OK, US. Each of the sixteen wells in the project were documented as orphaned wells by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The wells were leaking methane to the atmosphere. Additionally, these wells pose health and well-being risks to the landowners and threaten proximal natural resources. Rebellion Energy Solutions, the project developer, has taken responsibility for these wells for the purpose of proper plugging and remediation.

Project Activity includes the quantification of leaking methane from orphaned oil and gas wells and the subsequent mitigation of leaking methane via permanent plugging of wellbores. Methane abatement is confirmed post-plugging. In addition, as a voluntary benefit, land restoration will be conducted in and around the well sites.

The purpose of this project is to offset the fugitive methane emissions that were and would have been generated by the wells in question, in the scenario that wells were not plugged.

ACR Registered Project ACR966

Crediting Period: 20 Years
Independently Validated and Verified

Project Environmental and Community Impacts

The reduction of fugitive methane emissions from the successful completion of Heartland Project 1 and Heartland Project 2 support the health, safety, and well-being of people, animals, and ecological systems. Quantified using analysis applied in conjunction with data sources shared below, these projects directly contribute to furthering five (5) of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being
    • The wells sealed through the Heartland project were in close proximity to family homes and ranches. Plugging these wells and cleaning up these sites immediately reduced the hazards to air, water and soil near family residences, directly improving air quality, and mitigating future risk of injury.
  • SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    • Plugging these wells helps to mitigate contamination risks, contributing to the development of sustainable infrastructure by safeguarding natural resources and protecting nearby communities from potential hazards, involves the application of innovative technologies and engineering practices and can create job opportunities and economic benefits in the form of well-plugging projects, workforce engagement, and reclamation activities.
  • SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
    • Project models cleanup and responsible completion of the infrastructure’s oil and gas life cycle and significantly reduces the release of gas to air, ensuring pollution prevention and that the available natural resources are utilized responsibly and sustainably.
  • SDG 13 – Climate Action
    • By plugging orphan wells that have been identified as high-emitters, methane will not be released into the atmosphere over time. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a key step to reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement, namely keeping global temperature increase under 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.
  • SDG 15 – Life on Land
    • Plugging orphan wells contributes to reversing land degradation and reducing environmental risks. Removing the infrastructure and restoring land spoiled by decades of pollutants helps prevent environmental contamination, including soil and groundwater pollution, and aids in conserving and restoring the integrity of ecosystems and area biodiversity. Soil degradation and land contamination impact the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and reducing methane emissions supports efforts to combat climate change and its impact on terrestrial ecosystems, including shifts in vegetation, habitat disruption, and changes in wildlife behavior.

Rebellion Energy Solutions supports the Sustainable Development Goals.

 Access to additional data for these project packages are available in our online data room. To get access to the additional project data for Heartland #1 and Heartland #2, or for more information, email us at data@rebellionenergy.com 

The Problem and Our Solution

Methane is the second largest contributor to climate change, and its warming effect over the course of 20 years is 28 times greater than CO2, making it our top abatement priority. The scale of the methane-leaking, orphan well problem is enormous – according to the Environmental Defense Fund, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates millions of wells that need to be plugged, and millions of metric tons of CO2e leaking into the atmosphere each year..

Orphan wells, by definition, are unplugged, inactive, and have no solvent owner of record. They are considered “wards of the state” and are the responsibility of the government entity with regulatory authority. Because of this, many orphan wells are in a state of advanced disrepair, resulting in dangerous pollutant leaks into the air, contaminating groundwater, degrading soil, damaging ecosystems, and posing a significant risk to human health and the well-being of surrounding communities.

The Rebellion solution focuses on plugging orphan oil and gas wells and regenerating the surrounding land bases – abating methane emissions, restoring spoiled ecosystems and generating high-quality carbon credits as a result.

Carbon Credits 101

The voluntary carbon market (VCM) is growing rapidly across the globe as more companies make net zero commitments. Investment in high-quality carbon projects allows companies to make a meaningful impact on their net zero goals while significantly contributing to the direct reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise pollute the atmosphere.

Carbon credits, broadly known as Environmental Attributes (EA), are a unit of exchange used to offset an entity’s carbon footprint. One (1) carbon credit equals one (1) metric ton of carbon or its equivalent (MTCO2e).

A carbon project is an effort made by a group, the project developer, to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. A reputable carbon credit is an additive to the status quo, permanent, and verified by a reputable registry.

Purchasing carbon credits is a proactive way for businesses and individuals to be accountable for their carbon emissions. The highest quality carbon credits are those that not only follow highly structured registration methodologies but also solve real-world dilemmas and can be considered permanent, additional, immediate, certain, and transparent.

Rebellion Methane-Abatement Credits

Rebellion’s team of experts understands how to create high-quality carbon credits.

Our top-tier credits are issued under ACR’s stringent methodology and generated through valuable abatement projects that are consistently successful and exceed the standards set by regulating entities by focusing on next-level measurement accuracy, carbon permanence, and making substantial contributions to global sustainability goals.

Our oil and gas experience helps us focus on completing the job on time, on budget, and without last-minute problems, and our tiered GHG quantification process paired with land restoration expertise maximizes our beneficial field impact. We are confident in our orphan well plugging solutions because we know they’ve been designed to endure the most rigorous inspection process, which includes thorough pre- and post-plugging monitoring for emissions. This not only guarantees data transparency but ensures that our credits can stand up to scrutiny.

Rebellion methane-abatement projects, from start to finish, center around trust, impact, durability, and integrity. We hold ourselves and our partners to the highest standards and transparently share data with our partners to provide a full-service product for the life of our credits.

Buyers can be assured that when they purchase a methane-abatement credit from Rebellion, they are directly contributing to durable and impactful sustainability solutions for our global community.

Case Studies

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Carbon Calculator

The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies calculator enables you to convert energy or emissions data into the corresponding amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated from that usage. This tool assists in translating complex measurements into more comprehensible terms, such as the yearly emissions produced by automobiles, households, or power plants. Utilizing this calculator can aid in conveying your plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as strategies, targets, or other initiatives.