Heartland 3 - Canadian, Garfield, Major and Washington Counties.
The Heartland Methane Abatement and Land Restoration Project 3
High-quality methane-abatement credits tackle the environmental, health, and human safety problems that orphan oil and gas wells create. Plugging seven orphan oil and gas wells that previously emitted methane into the atmosphere generates credits with a certain, verified and immediate impact.
Orphaned oil and gas wells continue to emit methane into the atmosphere long after they have stopped producing hydrocarbons for sale. This poses significant health and environmental risks to landowners and nearby natural resources. As of June 2024, Oklahoma had more than 20,000 documented orphaned wells, with the state’s plugging program averaging about 140 wells per year over the past decade. Despite additional federal funding, state resources have been unable to keep up. Rebellion Energy has assumed responsibility for seven orphaned oil and gas wells across four counties in Oklahoma to execute proper plugging and remediation measures to address the growing need for methane abatement. This will permanently abate methane emissions from the orphaned wells, ease community burdens and regenerate ecological health in the Tallgrass Prairie region.
ACR Registered Project ACR1023
Crediting Period: 20 Years
Independently Validated and Verified
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